Mabe Fratti shares new EP ‘Se Parece A’


Reconciling Mabe’s steps throughout her musical past, her work features pop and experimentation that reflects her time working amongst the improvisation scene in Mexico City. Mabe Fratti’s sensibility is the triumph of experimentation over technical dominion of an instrument. The experimentation of sound with feelings, with existence itself, with an open heart, letting herself to be transformed by what she lives and hears. Her new EP is a ghostly exploration “When I wrote the lyrics I thought of someone feeling they have a ghost inside them.” 


From the creation of pop songs to free improvisation, from the academy to noise, from collaborations in ensembles and duos to the profound personal journey that is reflected in her  works. That’s why Mabe’s music converts us to sensible sounding boards: through a hypnotic and captivating performance, Mabe sews contemporary elements like shoe gaze and dream pop with ancestral influences that go from Gregorian chants to Sephardi music, transforming them in ingredients of a potent sonic ritual that causes a profound emotional impact. 

Her new EP Se Parece A was mainly birthed the same weekend at Faot festival in Álamos, Sonora, a small municipality in northwestern Mexico. Mabe Fratti and her good friend and experimental violinist Gibrana Cervantes recorded ‘Desde el Amor También Podemos Despedirnos / El Sol Sigue Ahí’ and ‘Aire’ that weekend at Electric Emerald Records.


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