Deliluh shares “Amulet”
In September of 2019, Deliluh took flight with sights set on new horizons. A long plotted scheme to uproot the group from their Toronto home and airlift them into the touring bastion of Europe seemed like a pot worth gambling their stack on. Their future in the old world was read with wide-eyed optimism, emboldened by two albums newly waxed and tour dates rolling in. Greener pastures with foreign allure, a promised land chalk full of experimental art and sound, and a plethora of unconventional venues ripe for the picking... it’s open season, what could possibly go wrong?
Well, the best laid plans…
‘Amulet’ is the first release since Deliluh’s departure from Toronto, an opening document of the group’s transition to Europe. Mirrored images of the same composition occupy each side; ‘A’ performed by their previous four-piece lineup (Kyle Knapp, Julius Pederson, Erika Wharton, Erik Jude) and ‘B’ by the current active two-piece (Knapp and Pederson).